Head over to CatieAn's blog, www.catieanscorner.blogspot.com to enter her giveaway, CatieAn is celebrating her birthday and 75th blog post, this is a wonderful way to start New Year...... so make shaw you pop over there to see some of the prizes that Cat's has posted...... Happy Birthday my dear hope your year is filled with love, joy and happyness.
Hugs to you....... Kirstie.
1 comment:
thank you kirstie for adding my banner. i have entered you in the second giveaway as well.
thank you for entering and leading me to your blog. I love it!
i was thinking for your shells you could take two shells that fit together drill a few holes for ribbon you could actually make a mini altered book with an accordion type book inside with pics or a poem or vintage pics
another idea is to paint the insides collage the outside and put pics of vintage things on the inside run a string of them together for an outdoor wind chime as such.
if i think of any more i will let you know
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