So now I though I'd share my Maddi's 9th birthday with you that was in October, which has also lead me to have these Vintage Craft Work Parties at my shop now I have alot more room, will let you all know when it up and going....just getting the craft workshop area stocked with all the fine now to let you into the world of Maddi's Day!

all the flower millinery hats where used as the party hat.

teacup trio candle lite ready for Maddi's guest's to arrive, oops don't for get the old style music mummy....yes Maddi!!!! no I haven't brain washed my girls I

Maddi opening her gifts, the girls look so beautiful, they all where asked to wear of course blue, pink, green, white or floral.

So my thought was pink, green, blue noodle boxes for them to decorate, so when there all finished and all dry, this then becomes the lollies I also had set up a little lollies shop for them to choose what they want and me being shop lady filled their decorated noodle boxes full of lollies.

Ohhhhhh isn't Maddi just having the craft time of her life

while the noodle boxes, oops sorry...vintage noodle boxes now are drying time for tea, triangle sandwiches little hot dogs, little cakes, teapot full of cordial.....and all talking like they have plums(posh talk) in there mouths, I could not believe how much they fell into character and played the part of little ladies, hee, hee, ha, ha one of them said to me while pouring a cup of cordial in her teacup...You can call me Lotta-Vagina.....I was floored and nearly dropped the teapot and the video recorder and not to mention laugh as I was trying to film at the same

A group shot of the fun they all had, from left to right, Sta, Maddy, My Maddi, Alecia, Courtney
I'm so glad you all had fun girls, And I must say they are still talking about Maddi's birthday today, and mothers at the school have been asking me about the party, which has lead me to start the Vintage Craft Work Shop Parties at my shop.

Now below some beautiful washing up to do!!! just had to take a photo at something so dirty after dinner, that looks so beautiful!!!

A beautiful rose box I came across at a vintage shop, hummm a must have...filled with my beautifully dyed curtains for my shop....

Rolled vintage music paper for sale, a new line at Adeline Country Cottage shop, feel free to email me to buy some as they ain't listed yet online

Just a simple vase of roses, some of my fav's

Summer Snapdragons, also some of my fav's

Summer vintage bedding that helps me sleep at night, something so wonderful about tatted vintage linen makes me feel at home.

Beautiful nighties coming soon online also will be displayed at Adeline Country Cottage shop

Merry Christmas to all, for you support and visiting my blog and online boutique through out the year.
Some special birds that sit upon my tree.

Christmas tree's I stripped of it original colour then dyed them to the colour I needed for my display.

Oh yes I have added these beautiful Christmas House to my online store, many different styles to choose from........quick Run they wont last long HERE
Hello my dear Friend!
Well first off Happy Belated Birthday (((HUGS)))
I wanna come play at your place if your gonna do parties like Maddie's! Just GORGEOUS!!! Happy Bithday Day Maddie ((Hugs))
I share your slackness, I may not be in Farmville, but I do play on Rollercoaster Kingdom!!! A complete time waster, but you get that don't you!!!!
Sending you Christmas love & best wishes for the season. xxx
What an adorable idea for a party! The girls look like beautiful garden flowers in their array of beautiful colors and the millinery hats! That creation of Maddi's is beautiful.
Oh, I would love to see your "tatted linens" up close. I am curious to see what you are talking about. If you are interested in knowing more about tatted lace come on over to my blog! You are more than welcome to visit anytime! :)
Oh what fun Maddi's party was. You will have such fun running parties like that - maybe you could do it for 'big girls' too!!
I have not got into facebook cos I know I would just waste so much time playing.
OMG!!! What a fun post. That was some party...Happy birthday Maddie!!! What a novel conscept to have the vintage hats.The girls look all so pretty and must have had the most wonderful time.
I also enjoyed all the pretties and Christmas decor.The vase of roses are just beautiful.Well done.
Merry Christmas and May God Bless you,
XXOO Marie Antionette
Now I know why they had a BLAST!! looks FAB!!! wish I had a cool mum like you when I was growing up!!!
Kirstie, your blog is very, very beautiful, I have enjoyed so much your images with all in it so lovely... and the girls look awesome in their outfits, what a lovely birthday party to your daughter... happy birthday to her!!!
Muchos cariños,
Maria Cecilia, from Chile.
p.s. I hope you stop by my blog.
Just love tagging along to your daughters party. How fantastic a job did you do!!!?? She will remember it for the rest of her life I am sure :0) Look forward to popping over and visiting your new store soon, havent been over to your side of town for ages!
Hello Sweetheart,
Thank you for stoping by with your sweet cooments on my village.I think I can help you.I use all brands of village houses and pieces.,but the main ones i do use the most are from Lemax.They are very pretty and are the cheapest to buy.They have all kinds of villages. Although they prefur to ship in the USA,they do ship all over.unless they changed .Here is the addy
This is the shop I use.The best way is to but thoughout the yr to avoild the Christmas rush.It took me over 20 yrs to get the pieces I have.It just depends on what kind and size village you want.
XXOO Marie antionette
oh wow, what a party! the girls look so excited! Maddi looked so happy :)
You're in partnership with Aladdins, good for you!!!
Have to catch up in the new year when we get back from the beach. Have a great Christmas!
Natasha xo
Fantastic party Kirstie! I did something similiar for the Princess's 6th birthday, our little guests made their own tiara's.
I didn't have Lotta-Vagina visit though!!! SNORT!!!! lol
Happy New Year - Rachaelxo
p.s. I do not dare start those games on facebook......
Hi Kirstie, I would love to see more of your beautiful posts... hope you are o.k. and wish you and family a very happy and blessed 2010.
Maria Cecilia
It is rather interesting for me to read this post. Thank you for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.
I have enjoyed my stay here... gorgeous pictures, gorgeous fabrics and roses and husband too! I will be back!
Nice meeting you!
Hello! It's my first visit here and I loved!! I'll follow your blog!! xx
What a fun birthday party! The girls look like they're enjoying themselves! So cute!
I love such small decors ! So pretty house with such houses!
Darling Kirstie, I have been missing you so much and I´m getting kind of worry... hope you are fine and happy..
Many hugs to you,
Maria Cecilia
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