Well today is our 10th Wedding Anniversary, and for the first time hubby and I are going away for the night without the cherubs, Chris (hubby) has booked us into the Crown Towers in Melbourne, mind you its only 30mins away from where we live in Eltham, but you know what, that's ok! as every time our anniversary comes around we never did anything, but this time being our 10th where going somewhere Yeeeeah, he wont tell me what restaurant we are going to so that's a surprise, and maybe head into the Crown Casino and try our luck at the roulette table....lol, I'm so excited i'm ready to burst. The image below of us was taken at Montsalvat, It an old monastery that holds weddings and artists can go to paint, we only had our wedding photos taken here, one of my favorite places, it's so old, rustic and beautiful. Sooooo ten cheers for the happy couple....lol Now to share some beautiful images, some more of the velvet red flowers from the garden, with a lovely cake Natasha gave me for my birthday 2 years ago, that house on my kitchen table, with a lovely little vintage rose tin and a vintage gold basket with apples. Hmmm I have a thing for rich deep red colours with our shabby world palette, Ahhhhh romance! Well it is my day of Romance and being in love. A little vignette in the corner of my new shop (booth). Do you recognise the lamp and the one in the mirror, yes the one and only Mandi from Shabby Vintage Dreams, her work is just beautiful. Although this image of the shop looks a little messy, it was so hard taking the photo as the sun was pouring through the window, I had a hard time try to get the best shot, trust me this image dose not do it any justice, and not to mention that terrible fluro light above, I'll have to take the image at a different time of day and angle next time. Ok ladies must run, heaps to do before I leave for my naughty night, hee, hee, hee, hee. I know, I know to much information.....lol Hugs to you all Kirstie.
Well hello there, long time no hear, well from me anyway!....lol, I know, I know it's taken me awhile to blog, from my last entry, oh and speaking about that, back when those dreadful fires where going, I would like to thank all of you for sending items for those in need, I can't believe how generous you all are, let me just say they loved every given gift they received, once again thank you. So much has happened since Christmas and I have so much to tell you, but my PC is not going to allow me to show off as much as I would like, these images are all my PC is going to allow me to up load at this moment, I'm still working on my naughty PC taking off as much images and removing other items, just so I have the space, to up load all the pretty treasures I have found, so please do keep checking back to see what will be list in my boutique. OoooooH and speaking of my boutique shop that's in Ivanhoe, SO SORRY ladies it is no longer there I have had to move the shop once again.....boohoo, but the lady I was sharing with sold here business and I had to move else where, so I'm now in Montmorency, which is about 15mins from where I was in Ivanhoe, in alittle antique mall called Aladdin Vintage Market, the address is 2/118 Para Rd, Montmorency, Melbourne, Victoria, (Crn Station Rd) Ph 03 9432 2966, I have to admit the decor of these place suits me a whole lot better as it very old and has a vintage feel, so if your wanting to come for a drive please pop in and say hello, at this stage it open Wed-Sat 10:30am-4:00pm. I also had the lovely Natasha come over for lunch we had a wonderful time catching up, and not to mention lots to show her as it was the first time Natasha has been over to my home, I think I recall her saying it like a treasure trove here...lol, thank you Natasha for say that as when family come over they don't think that, to them its mess, hee, hee. So from there I did take her over to my little shop for a look, I think you will need to ask her what she thought, Natasha also took lots of images as for me I forgot to take images of the whole day, bad girl I am, so maybe you might see some over at her blog patch sometime soon....not pushing darlin, hee, hee. Now to show you a few things, The red roses above are just gorgeous, I love the rich velvety red petals and the scent is to dye for, this image was taken at the end of spring last year the whole bush is covered and hung down to the ground its that heavy from all the blooms, now in its started all over again I just cut some yesterday to bring inside, I can't wait to its full again so I can fill my vases. The image below are cut blooms from the garden here, trust me if I knew the names of them I would tell you, if anyone knows please do tell as I would love to know myself, don't they look so gorgeous in and around my favorite hankie basket. LOL...... I so love opening my linen cupboard to see all my beautiful pillow covers, they put a smile on my face, and it like going into my own little candy shop, hee, hee oh and trust me this isnt even the half of it, You know I don't even recall the last time I even bought new pillow covers, I go to the preloved outlets, and try to find faded out floral, and sometimes you come across new looking ones, like the top one and the third one down, one day soon I show my collection of vintage ones, some are abit tatted but I can't bear to part from them as the fabric is so lovely, and I'm shaw you will agree.
Oh yes, ladies this is my favorite tea cup set, its the perfect blue and has the most cute little rose buds on them, the rose inside is the perfect shabby chic rose if I could find these to grow them I would, I picked a punch up from Safeway supermarket, all it had written on them was standard roses, WHO knows the real name please tell me....lol anyway this was my gift to my husband on Valentines day, I placed them on his bedside table for him to find....just to let him know how much I loved and cared for him, although he played the whole macho thing...what are they doing there? but I know deep down he loved and was touch with the idea...as he walked away with alittle smile on his face.
Now to these beautiful item, Florence Urns and plate, these are just gorgeous for me they are the perfect shade of blue, and I think the birds on the sides are adorable, I have listed them in my online boutique, they are ready now!!! under The Kitchenette.
The cupboard in the background I revamped myself I will show you another time.
Ok ladies I must go for now, hope to hear from you soon, as I need to go and do some visiting myself, I've missed see what you are up to. Bye!